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Automatic deployment using Dokku and GitHub Actions

Deploy a Dokku server


Dokku Installation

Create dokku swap on small VPS (optional)

For small (cheap) VPS's Dokku will run out of RAM quickly. Create a 5GB swap is one way to mitigate this.

sudo fallocate -l 5g /mnt/5GiB.swap
sudo chmod 600 /mnt/5GiB.swap
sudo mkswap /mnt/5GiB.swap
sudo swapon /mnt/5GiB.swap
echo '/mnt/5GiB.swap swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
free -mh

On the VPS install Dokku:

sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.24.10 bash
# This process may take over 10 minutes

Visit in you web browser to complete install

Visit http://<your-server-ip>, and complete installation.

Be sure to click 'Use virtualhost naming for apps:

Dokku install step screenshot

After you click 'Finish' you'll be redirected to Dokku documentation- you can close that for now, but do read it.

Dokku configuration

Setup domain (optional)

If dokku was able to resolve the hostname during install then the dokku domain will have already been added check with:

su dokku
dokku domains:report --global
=====> Global domains information
       Domains global enabled:        true                     
       Domains global vhosts:

If not, check your DNS A record is correctly pointing to your server, then configure dokku manually:

su dokku
dokku domains:add-global <your-domain>

Create database, api, & front-end apps in Dokku


sudo -iu dokku
dokku apps:create salon-booking-guru-database
dokku git:initialize salon-booking-guru-database
dokku git:set salon-booking-guru-database deploy-branch main;
dokku docker-options:add salon-booking-guru-database build --file=/home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-database/Dockerfile;


sudo -iu dokku
dokku apps:create salon-booking-guru-api
dokku git:initialize salon-booking-guru-api
dokku git:set salon-booking-guru-api deploy-branch main;
dokku docker-options:add salon-booking-guru-api build --file=/home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-api/Dockerfile;


sudo -iu dokku
dokku apps:create salon-booking-guru-front-end
dokku git:initialize salon-booking-guru-front-end
dokku git:set salon-booking-guru-front-end deploy-branch main;
dokku docker-options:add salon-booking-guru-front-end build --file=/home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-front-end/Dockerfile;

Create shared network

This is so the api and database may connect to eachother.

dokku network:create sharednetwork

Attach database and api to the sharednetwork, note that the front-end does not need to be connected to the sharednetwork.

dokku network:set salon-booking-guru-database attach-post-create sharednetwork
dokku network:set salon-booking-guru-api attach-post-create sharednetwork

Set database credentials

Database credentials get injected into the apps envrionment upon startup. See 12factor app - config.

dokku config:set salon-booking-guru-api SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_HOST=salon-booking-guru-database.web SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_PORT=5432 SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_PASSWORD="changeme" SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_DBNAME="salon_booking_guru" SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_USER="postgres"
-----> Setting config vars
       SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_DBNAME:    salon_booking_guru
       SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_HOST:      salon-booking-guru-database.web
       SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_PORT:      5432
       SALON_BOOKING_GURU_DB_USER:      postgres
-----> Restarting app salon-booking-guru-api
-----> Releasing salon-booking-guru-api...
-----> Shutting down old containers in 60 seconds
=====> Application deployed:

Dockerfile configuration

For dokku v0.24.10 Dockerfile deployment is only recognised when there is a Dockerfile in the root directory of the repository. However this repo has components in subdirectories:

In an upcomping release of Dokku mono repos will be supported.

To workaround this that there is an empty Dockerfile in the root. This forces dokku to treat the apps as docker deployments (Dokku supports multiple deployment types).

Additionally, the git hook(s) need to be altered for each app

Configure Dokku git pre-recieve hook to build correct Dockerfile

This is needed since when docku builds containers the build context is hardcoded to the root of the repo.

Add a pre-recieve hook on the dokku server to fetch the Dockerfile into the repo:

vi salon-booking-guru-database/hooks/pre-receive
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-database/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook salon-booking-guru-database
vi salon-booking-guru-api/hooks/pre-receive
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-api/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook salon-booking-guru-api
vi salon-booking-guru-front-end/hooks/pre-receive
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail

curl > /home/dokku/salon-booking-guru-front-end/Dockerfile

cat | DOKKU_ROOT="/home/dokku" dokku git-hook salon-booking-guru-front-end

Verify dokku apps with git push

To make sure everything is in order, you can manually push to Dokku from your local

The steps are to:

  1. Add a git remote for each component (database, api, front-end)
  2. Perform a git push
  3. Observe the containers running

Git add remotes

On your local machine.

DOKKU_IP=<dokku-ip> # change to your ip address
git remote add dokku-database dokku@$DOKKU_IP:salon-booking-guru-database
git remote add dokku-api dokku@$DOKKU_IP:salon-booking-guru-api
git remote add dokku-front-end dokku@$DOKKU_IP:salon-booking-guru-front-end

You can verify remotes with

git remote -v show

Deploy initial apps

From your local machine, star the deployment of the database. api and front-end apps.

Deploy database

You will see dokku deploy the database

git push dokku-database main

Enumerating objects: 594, done.
-----> Cleaning up...
-----> Building salon-booking-guru-database from Dockerfile
remote: dos2unix: converting file Dockerfile to Unix format...
remote: build context to Docker daemon   1.77MB
Step 1/6 : FROM postgres:13.3-alpine
=====> Application deployed:

To <ip>:salon-booking-guru-database
 * [new branch]      main -> main

Deploy API

git push dokku-api

Enumerating objects: 594, done.
Counting objects: 100% (594/594), done.
-----> Renaming containers
       Renaming container (04b1f4740169) youthful_cori to salon-booking-guru-api.web.1
-----> Checking for postdeploy task
       No postdeploy task found, skipping
=====> Application deployed:

Deploy front-end

Note front-end build may take over 5 minutes to build

git push dokku-front-end
-----> Checking for postdeploy task
       No postdeploy task found, skipping
=====> Application deployed:

Verify front-end app loading:

Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate

Via dokku-letsencrypt

Install Let's Encrypt plugin

# as root on dokku
sudo dokku plugin:install

Setup automatic certs for api and frontend

Must use a valid email address

sudo -iu dokku
dokku config:set --global DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=your@email.tld

Certificate generation

dokku letsencrypt:enable salon-booking-guru-front-end
# Front-end
dokku proxy:ports-add salon-booking-guru-api http:80:8085
dokku letsencrypt:enable salon-booking-guru-api
dokku proxy:ports-add salon-booking-guru-api https:443:8085


Dokku apps command not found

Check ~/.ssh/authorized keys / root to ensure the ssh command includes

command="`cat /home/dokku/.sshcommand` $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ssh-rsa <the key>

How do I know the database is connected OK

See healthcheck endpoint.

Tail the logs of the app, and observe Connection to the database established.

dokku@dokku:~$ dokku logs -t salon-booking-guru-api
2021-08-01T20:48:32.183932807Z app[web.1]: 2021/08/01 20:48:32 Listening on :8085
2021-08-01T20:48:32.521738711Z app[web.1]: 2021/08/01 20:48:32 Connection to the database established
How to force a rebuild/reload of an app

Example rebuilding the database and api see Dokku rebuilding apps

dokku ps:rebuild salon-booking-guru-database
dokku ps:rebuild salon-booking-guru-api
Access denied when pushing from local

It's possible your ssh key is not configued with dokku. Either use ssk-copy-id or:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@<your-vps-ip-address> dokku ssh-keys:add mylocal
Docker options not set / building wrong Dockerfile

Check the docker-options. dokku docker-options:report salon-booking-guru-front-end If you need to reset them:

  1. take a copy of all existing settings dokku docker-options:report salon-booking-guru-front-end
  2. Clear the options dokku docker-options:clear
  3. Add the settings back you want for each stage e.g. dokku docker-options:add salon-booking-guru-front-end deploy --restart=on-failure:10

If you get the following error: remote: unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /home/dokku/salon-booking-guru/api: no such file or directory. This means that the Dockerfile is not already on the Dokku servers repository, make sure that its already there and check the pre-recieve hook so that it has the correct URL to the Dockerfile. It must start with

Github Actions setup


The Github Dokku action needs to be able to ssh into the Dokku server.

On the dokku server, generate a keypaid for Github to use;

su dokku
ssh-keygen # Press enter, generate key without passphrase

Allow the key to be used by Github

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy the private key to Gituub secrets e.g.<org>/<repo>/settings/secrets/actions as SSH_PRIVATE_KEY.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Copy into GitHub secrets as SSH_PRIVATE_KEY

Also set DOKKU_HOST to the ip address or hostname of your dokku server.


Disable Password based authentication

  • Verify your ssh access working with key based access (ssh root@<your-ip>) # login without a password
  • Disable ssh password based authentication
  • Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • Change the line #PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no